Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Check for Ticks

Finally got out for a run today. Wow. It was nothing like flat urban kendall-miami with it's traffic lights, loud cars, and flat flat flat concrete sidewalks. I'm pretty sure there wasn't one flat stretch of road on my short 20 minute run today. Uphill or downhill only. Of course, having not been running for quiet some time, it wasn't long before I felt burning in my lungs, as if running on a cold winter day. The roads are pretty much single lane roads, not built for 2 cars, so most of my running was well onto the grassy shoulder and the frequent scurrying of scared roadside animals moving off into the bushes kept my mind on other things than my burning lungs. Down Long Road, left onto West Road for only 1 km until the road actually just stopped and became a grassy field. About 1/2 km away I could see the other end of West Road so I bounded across the field, keeping my eye out for snakes and whatever else may be lurking. A beautiful clear morning as I made it up to the end of the road, arriving at a scenic outlook over the dry river valley 500 meters below. A short breather and then I turned for home, winded, inspired, and smiling. A great start to the day.